Small Business Advertising Ideas: How to Spy on the Competition

With a variety of online marketing tactics at your disposal, it may be difficult to decide which digital advertising tools are worth investing in. A digital health assessment identifies which digital marketing strategies are working and helps your company find new opportunities for improvement. This important tool can also help you spy on the competition by looking at what other brands are doing with their digital marketing and what has been working.

Importance of Keeping an Eye on the Competition

Do you know how successful your competitors are with their online marketing? When it comes to small business advertising, it is vital that your company keeps an eye on the competition and what digital tactics they are using to reach their customers. By knowing what your competitors are up to, you can better stay ahead of the curve and remain successful in your own digital marketing. A digital health assessment will allow you to see how the best agencies and small businesses are marketing their brands online, as well as discover new and effective tactics for reaching more customers.

Digital Advertising 101: What is a Digital Health Assessment?

A digital health assessment helps you learn more about how effective your digital advertising is and find new ways to increase your reach. This goes beyond just basic marketing metrics to include information about the competition. The digital health assessment helps your company:

  • Gather more information about your target market – The digital health assessment tells you who and where your customers are, as well as provides effective ways to reach this audience.
  • Find local areas of opportunity – Are you taking advantage of all of the best areas of opportunity for Jacksonville marketing? The digital health assessment will show you what else you could be doing to better advertise in the area.
  • Get the 411 on the competition – The assessment also allows you to see what your competitors and other top online marketing agencies in your market are doing with their digital advertising.
  • Discover the best keyword opportunities – SEO keywords are an important part of your online marketing strategy. The marketing metrics provided by the assessment will reveal new opportunities for effective keywords to drive your digital marketing.